Movie Report: Temptations, 20 Feet from…

I’m getting behind on my movie-tracking already.

I had an interesting job nibble a couple of weeks ago, tangentially related to a singing group from a past era.  No idea if it will manifest, but just in case, I Temptations coverwatched a couple of movies that I figured might inform either the structure or the subject matter of a hypothetical script. These were:

The Temptations: This was originally a two-mini series based on a book by founding member, Otis Williams.20 feet from stardom

Twenty Feet from Stardom: I got the screener for this documentary through the voting process for the Independent Spirit Awards. Much of it is devoted to the back-up singers of the fifties, sixties and seventies.

And finally, Paul and I actually went to a movie theater (!), and saw the Lego Movie. Many of our friends (and our niece and nephew) really loved this movie.  I thought it was okay. It would take a disproportionate amount of energy to make coherent argument of all the reasons why, but this woman’s review poses sohr_The_LEGO_Movie_10me interesting questions.

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